Project information

  • Category: Web Development
  • Framework: Laravel
  • Client: none
  • Project time: Jan 2020
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Employee Management

This system is built with the laravel framework and MySQL database using bootstrap CSS.

Features of this system include:
  • Login and logout, forget password (Lock account in 5 minutes after 3 failed attempts).
  • Manage employees (Add, edit and delete).
  • Manage countries, cities, states (Add, edit and delete).
  • Manage users (Add, edit and delete).
  • Manage salary (Add, edit and delete).
  • Manage division (Add, edit and delete).
  • Manage departments (Add, edit and delete).
  • Make reports (export to Excel and PDF).
  • Search (with multiple combine fields).
  • Pagination
  • Validation
  • Responsive